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Times Tables


Times Tables

Times tables will be tested each Friday. By the end of Y4, children are expected to know all their tables up to 12 x12.

Your child will work through different times tables levels. When they get full marks 3 times (this does not have to be consecutive) they will move on to the next level.


Bronze - x5 and x10

Silver - x2, x4 and x8

Gold - x3, x6 and x9

Platinum - x7, x11 and x 12


Bronze + - ÷5 and ÷10

Silver + - ÷2, ÷4, and ÷8

Gold + - ÷3, ÷6 and ÷9

Platinum + - ÷7, ÷11 and ÷12


Megamix - All times tables x

Megamix + - All times tables ÷


Children can practise their times tables using their TTRockstars login (all children should have been given one of these). Click the link below!
