Term 1
This term our topic is 'What happened in 1066?'
In History, we will use chronology skills to learn about the Normans. The children will visit Nottingham Castle.
In English, we are looking at the legends and children will write their own Robin Hood legend. They will also write a newspaper recount of their trip and a thank you letter to Nottingham Castle. In Maths, we will be looking at place value and using a variety of concrete resources e.g. numicon, place value counters, base 10 etc...
In Science, we are learning about human digestion. In Art, we will create a sketchbook page and produce their own part of the Bayeux tapestry. In DT, the children will investigate, plan, make and evaluate their own Norman Castle.
Our R.E. is 'What is it like to be a Christian in Britain today?' Our R.S.H.E./Jigsaw topic is being me in my world. Our P.E. topic is hockey. In computing, we are learning about Internet safety and blogs.
Teeth investigation
We carried out a teeth investigation. We placed an egg into different liquids and predicted how different drinks affect teeth.
We have also looked at how to brush our teeth and used purple mash to write information leaflets.
English - Recounts
In English, we have been looking at recounts. We have written newspaper reports and thank you letters about our trip to Nottingham Castle. Our letters have be sent to Nottingham Castle.
The children had a fantastic time at Nottingham Castle as part of our English work on Robin Hood and The Normans as part of our topic work. We watched the story of Robin Hood. We also took part in a few interactive games including learning how to fight with a staff and how to use a longbow. We had a go at drawing in the art gallery and loved playing in Hood's Hideout.
The children were amazing and we even received an email from a member of the public praising them for their behaviour. She said, 'They were a real credit to your school and the staff on the trip.' She commented how well they had helped, moved aside for and spoken to her 4-year old child. She also said, 'I became really aware of how kind and thoughtful so many of your children were.'
Well done Lion Tribe!
Computing - Class Blog
In Computing, we have created a Class Blog on Purple Mash. This will be a great opportunity for children to share their learning with the rest of the class. Only our class will be able to read and add to the post.
Children can access the Class Blog on Purple Mash.
Click on Sharing and the Shared Blogs Folder. Select Y3/4D - Lion Tribe
Have a look at our first post and the Class Blog Rules.
Digestion Investigation
In Science, we have been studying the digestive system. We carried out a Science investigation to demonstrate how a banana sandwich travels through our bodies. The children thoroughly enjoyed the 'end product'. :)
Look the PDF experiment instructions and photographs of the process. The children could carry this out at home as a replacement for one of the homework tasks... if you dare!
we looked at different ways to show a number. We discussed bar models, part-whole models and looked at a range of concrete resources e.g. numicon, base 10, bead strings etc.
The children worked well and showed the enterprise skills of teamwork and initiative. They also enjoyed 'writing on the tables'.
Our Learning Journey
Each term this display will show the learning journey our class has been on during the term. The display will be updated every term.
Our first Learning Journey display is about Lion Tribe. The children used verbs and adverbs to create lion concrete poems. They also experimented with colour to create some striking lion artwork.