Welcome to Term 1
This term our topic is 'Why did the Stone Age rock?'
In History, we will use chronology skills to learn about the palaeolithic, mesolithic and neolithic periods. The children will learn how to survive in the stone age during a stone age day with The Wildlife Trust.
In English, we will write an historical story based on The Stone Age Boy, a non-chronological report and a diary based on our stone age day.
In Science, we are learning about rocks and soils and finding out about the fossil hunter, Mary Anning.
In Art, we will recreate stone age paintings using a variety of media, fossil continuous line drawings and create Stonehenge artwork.
Our RE topic is 'What is it like being a Hindu in Britain today?' and our RSHE/Jigsaw topic is 'Being Me in My World'. In Computing, we will be looking at Online Safety.
This term, our English book is Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura and our Class book is The Wild Way Home by Sophie Kirtley.