Term 6
This term our topic is 'What did the ancient Greeks do for us?'
In History, we will be learning how ancient Greece has had an impact our life. In English, we will be writing Greeks myths and simile poems.
In Maths, we are looking at measures, geometry and statistics. In Science, we are continuing to look at Changing state. We are still working on our RSPB Wild Challenge and aim to achieve the Silver award.
In Art, we will be drawing and using clay to create greek pots and using clay.
Our R.E. topic is 'Why do some people think that life is like a journey and what significant experiences mark this?' Our P.E. topic will be athletics and outdoor pursuits.
Our RSHE/Jigsaw topic is Changes. In computing, we will be looking at powerpoint presentations.
Young Writer's Competition
We are proud to announce that 15 children from our class have had their work chosen to appear in the book Ancient Adventures - Days Gone By.
The children will receive a certificate, bookmark and sticker.
The book is scheduled for publication on 2nd September.
We are so proud of our children!
Yorkshire Wildlife Park
We have had an amazing day at YWP. The children have made me so proud and represented the school well.
I hope they have thoroughly enjoyed their day and sleep well tonight!
Thank you, Lion Tribe! 🦁
#15000stepslater #liontribeforever
Ancient Adventures Adventures
As part of our English and History topic this term, we wrote Ancient Greek myths.
We have then edited them to create a 100 word mini-saga. These will be entered into the Young Writers Ancient Adventures competition.
There are several prizes to be won and some might even get their stories published in a book.
Fingers crossed. 🤞
Collins Ebooks
Each child has been assigned three Collins Ebooks linked to our topic on ancient Greece. They can use these books to support their homework and use towards their Reading Passport.
The books may be lower or higher than you child's reading ability.