Welcome to Miss Davis' page - Y3/4D.
We are Lion Tribe.
Don't forget to follow the Y3/4D Channel on Parenthub.
Keep checking our Class Page to find out what we have been learning.
Thank you
I would like to say a huge thank you to the children in my class. They gave worked so hard despite the interruptions this year. I could not be more proud.
Thank you to all the parents/guardians for your support and hard work, especially during remote learning. Also a big thank you for the gifts I have received. I am extremely grateful and overwhelmed.
Below is our Lion Tribe 2020-21 Video - I hope you enjoy it!
I have high hopes for my all class next year as they move in to Y4 or Y5.
Have a super summer,
Love Miss D x
Term 6
This term our topic is 'Can you walk like an Egyptian?'
In History, we will be learning about the Egyptians and making connnection with our prior learning, the Romans.
In English, we are reading The Egyptian Cinderella and Cinderboy. We will write our own Cinderella traditional tales and mummy instructions.
In Maths, we will be looking at measures, geometry and statistics.
In Science, our scientist study will be Thomas Edison and we will be learning about light and shadow.
In Art, we will be drawing Egyptian profile pictures and making death masks.
Our R.E. topic is 'What do people believe about God?' and our PSHE topic is 'Changes'.
Term 5
This term our topic is 'A tale of two cities?'
In Geography, we will be comparing the captial cities of London and Paris.
In English, we are reading George and the dragon. We will write our own dragon legend, write newspaper recounts and create dragon poems.
In Maths, we will be looking at multiplying TO x O and HTO x O and division.
In Science, our scientist study will be Marie Curie and we will be learning about movement and growing.
In Art, we will be sketching and making clay dragon eyes.
Our R.E. topic is 'Why are festivals important to religious communities?' and our PSHE topic is 'Relationships'.
Maths skills
We have been looking at the real life skills of measuring. WE have estimated and measured length, mass and capacity.
We also used these skills in our Science lesson. As part of our moving and growing topic, we compared our height and arm span.
Have a look at the photos below.
Dragon sighting
In English, we investigated possible sightings of dragons. We looked in top secret files, studied photographs and watched 'live' news reports. We even found dragon eggs in the quad.
In Reading, we read a newspaper article about a dragon sighting at Killamarsh Junior school. The article was written by the reporter R. U. Kidin and we also heard from the dragonologist Miss Liz Ard. The children are going to use this experience to write their own newspaper report.
N.B. No dragons or children were harmed in this event.
Term 4
This term our topic is 'What did the Romans leave behind?'
In History, we will be learning all about the Romans and how they changed Britain. In Art, we will be creating our own mosaics using a variety of media.
In English, we are reading Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit. We will write a dilemma story, a Volcano explanation text and Volcano concrete poem.
In Maths, we will be looking at fractions and decimals.
In Science, we will be learning about what plants need.
Our R.E. topic is 'Why is the Bible important?' and our PSHE topic is 'Dreams and Goals'.
Sakura Cherry Tree Project
To mark the Japan-Uk Season of Culture, we applied to take part in the Sakura Cherry Tree Project. The aim of the project is to celebrate the friendship between both countries. The project aims to plant over 1,000 cherry blossom trees. Today, Y3/4D helped to plant the tree at the edge of our school field.
#cherrytreeproject #japan-ukseasonofculture #killamarshcares
Census 2021
We looked at the purpose of the census and how it links to our Romans topic.
Daily Mile
We are taking part in the Daily Mile initiative. Everyday at 11, we are using the field or playground and trying to complete the daily mile.
It’s an easy and fun way to keep fit and maintain good health and wellbeing. It will also be a good opportunity for children to socialise.
#KillamarshCares #DailyMile
Collins Big Cat - Online Library
The children have a user name and password for the Collins Big Cat ebook library. Each child has been given four books linked to this term's topic.
The children have also selected two books that they are interested in reading.
Remote Learning
Term 2
This term our topic is 'What would Bear Grylls do?'
In Geography, we will be learning all about desert biomes and desert survival.
In English, we are reading The Desert Challenge by Bear Grylls. We will write a desert adventure story, a desert survival explanation text and we will write a letter to Bear Grylls about out learning.
In Science, we will be learning about magnets and the North and South Pole. We will learn about a range of scientists linked to magnets, dating back to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.
In Design technology, we will be investigating, planning, making and evaluating shelters.
Letter to Bear Grylls
We have written a letter to Bear Grylls about our Desert topic. We have included examples of our adventure stories, explanation texts and recount letters. We have also included examples of some of our Topic work.
We have included a stamped addresses envelope and we hope to get a reply.
Diversity Day
As part of our diversity day, we thought about what diversity meant. Using prior learning, we talked about people who had inspired us like Rosa Parks, Matthew Henson and Ghandi.
We also learnt about other people who had made a huge contribution to the life we lead. People discussed included Marcus Rashford, Mae Jemison, Katherine Johnson, Barack Obama, Jessica Ennis-Hill, Mary Seacole, Nelson Mandela, Harriet Tubman, Mo Farah and many more...
Linked to the Royal Mint 'Diversity Built Britain" 50p launch, we created our own 50p coins based on a person who had inspired us the most.
#KillamarshCares #DiversityBuiltBritain
Operation Christmas Child - Shoebox Appeal
We have filled 11 shoeboxes. Thank you for all the donations. #KillamarshCares
Our R.E. topic this term is 'What is it like to be a Hindu in Britain today?' We learnt all about Diwali and made Diwali cards.
Term 1
This term our topic is 'Why did the Stone Age rock?'
In History, we will use chronology skills to learn about the palaeolithic, mesolithic and neolithic periods. The children will take part in a stone age day.
In English, we will read Stone Age boy by Satoshi Kitamora. We will write an historical story, non-chronological report and diary based on the stone age.
In Science, we are learning about rocks and soils and finding out about the fossil hunter, Mary Anning.
In Indoor PE, we will create Stone Age dances.
In Art, we will recreate stone age paintings using a variety of media, fossil continuous line drawings and create Stonehenge artwork.
End of Term
We made a whole class cave painting using handprints like the ones found in Argentina.
This term, our English book was Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura and our Class book was The Wild Way Home by Sophie Kirtley.
The children have been amazing this term and I am so proud of them all.
Have a lovely half term break!
In History, we researched and produced non-chronological reports about Stonehenge. We used subheadings, pictures, diagrams and captions.
In Art, we used watercolours and soft pastels to experiment with colour to create Stonehenge pictures.
Rosa Parks
As part of our Christianity R.E. topic and Black History Month, we have been learning about Rosa Parks. We wrote acrostic poems.
We have written non-chronological reports about Stonehenge. We have 'visited' Stonehenge using VR headset and the Expedition app.
World Mental Health Day
Today, we looked at how to keep ourselves mentally healthy. We made posters to help each other.
We also set ourselves a three step challenge.
1. Say something nice to an adult.
2. Tell a friend you are proud of them.
3. Ask someone if they are OK.
#WorldMentalHealthDay #YoungMinds #KillamarshCares
In Science, we have written diary entries as fossil-hunter Mary Anning and learnt how fossils are formed.
In our Art sketchbooks, we used our observational skills to draw continuous line drawings of fossils.
Stone Age Day
The children had a fantastic day learning all about Stone Age survival. They learnt about the basic needs in Stone Age Britain - water, food and shelter.
They learnt how to hunt prey silently and practised spear throwing. They built shelters and they were tested to see if they were waterproof. They also learnt how to start a fire using flint.
Have a look at the photographs below.
Our Learning Journey
Each term this display will show the learning journey our class has been on during the term. The display will be updated every term.
Our first Learning Journey display is about Lion Tribe. The children used verbs and adverbs to create lion concrete poems. They also experimented with colour to create some striking lion artwork.
Our Learning Selfie
Each child has their own mobile phone. When they are proud of their work, they can have a selfie taken with their work and their picture added to the display. This can be changed weekly.