Welcome to Y3/4A!
We are the Tiger Tribe!
My name is Miss Alldread.
Children are welcome to bring a healthy snack such as fruit or a cereal bar for breaktimes.
They should also have a water bottle in school every day.
PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Please make sure your child has suitable in kit on these days. Earrings should be removed on these days or covered up please.
Each week, your child needs to complete an activity of their choice from the Homework grid. Please email a photograph of the completed work to my school email address.
Every Friday, your child will be tested on ten weekly spellings. There will be a separate Y3 and Y4 test. A copy of the test and score will be sent home. New spellings will be set every Friday and a Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check sheet will be sent home to help children learn their words.
Spellings can also be practised using your child's Purple Mash log in.
Times Tables
By the end of Y4, children are expected to know all their tables up to 12 x12. Every Friday, your child will be tested on their times tables and a copy of the test will be sent home.
Your child will work through different times tables levels. When they get full marks 3 times (does not have to be consecutive) they will move on to the next level.
Bronze - x2, x3, x5 and x10
Silver - x4, x6, x7 and x11
Gold - x8, x9 and x12
Bronze + - ÷2, ÷3, ÷5 and ÷10
Silver + - ÷4, ÷6, ÷7 and ÷11
Gold + - ÷8, ÷9 and ÷12
Children can practise their times tables using their TTRockstars login.
Hit The Button is another useful website for learning times tables.
Our first topic this year in Autumn 1 was about The Stone Age.
The children produced some beautiful artwork which is displayed in the corridor.
Autumn 2
Our new topic is all about hot and cold deserts and is called 'What Would Bear Grylls Do?'
In Geography, we will be learning all about desert biomes and desert survival.
In English, we are reading The Desert Challenge by Bear Grylls. We will write a desert adventure story, a desert survival explanation text and we will write a letter to Bear Grylls about out learning.
In Science, we will be learning about magnets and the North and South Pole. We will learn about a range of scientists linked to magnets, dating back to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.
In Design technology, we will be investigating, planning, making and evaluating shelters.
In RE, we will be learning about the Hindu faith.
Diwali Cards
Internet Safety
Recently, our class were visited by Sarah from Derbyshire Police who spoke to the children about staying safe online. To follow up her visit, we produced some excellent posters to display in school.
Summer 1
The children have learnt about Marie Curie in science, and have produced some excellent writing about her life.
In RE, the children have been learning about the celebrations of Ramadan and Eid as well as the Passover. They learned the significance of the food in the Passover meal, and produced some concrete poems about Ramadan on the computers.
French Food Tasting
The children enjoyed tasting a range of foods from France this week.
Foods included croissant, baguette, Brie, quiche, crepes and pain au chocolate.
In Maths this week, we have developed a range of measuring skills. The children enjoyed working outside today to measure and compare the capacity of different containers.