By the end of Y4, children are expected to know all their tables up to 12 x12. Every Friday, your child will be tested on their times tables and a copy of the test will be sent home.
Your child will work through different times tables levels. When they get full marks 3 times (does not have to be consecutive) they will move on to the next level.
Bronze - x5 and x10
Silver - x2, x4 and x8
Gold - x3, x6 and x9
Platinum - x7, x11 and x 12
Bronze + - ÷5 and ÷10
Silver + - ÷2, ÷4, and ÷8
Gold + - ÷3, ÷6 and ÷9
Platinum + - ÷7, ÷11 and ÷12
Megamix - All times tables x
Megamix + - All times tables ÷
Children can practise their times tables using their TTRockstars login. Each week, children will be given a 30 minute challenge to complete on TTRockstars.
A copy of each of the Time tables test can be found on the link below.
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