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Term 3

Our topic this term is 'Road trip USA.' We will be looking at the geography of the Unites States of America and focusing on a selection of exciting places in the country. We will look at the busy city of New York, the famous holiday destination Florida and we will imagine we are stuck in 'Death Valley' and need to survive. 

 In English this term, we are reading the book 'Wonder' written by R.J. Palacio. We will be writing anecdotes and discussing the importance of kindness and tolerance. 

In Art we have looked at the British architectural artist 'Stephen Wiltshire.' He creates life-like cityscapes and is able to draw detailed masterpieces after only seeing cities just once. He is autistic and didn't say his first word till he was 5. By the age of 8, he had sold his first piece of artwork to the Prime Minister. 
