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Term 6


This term our topic is 'One Planet, Our World'


In Geography, we will learn to locate countries and cities, and use grid references, compass points and latitude and longitude. We will learn about significant places in the United Kingdom and carry out fieldwork to discover how land is used in the locality.


In English, we are looking at the author, Dick King-Smith. We will read The Sheep-Pig and The Hodgeheg. We will write a retell, a persuasive road safety poster and a Dick King-Smith biography.


In Maths, we will be looking at fractions, geometry and statistics.


In Science, our scientist study will be George Washington Carver and we will be learning about Plants. 


In Art, we will be looking at the botanical artist, Katie Scott. We will create natural weavings, two-colour prints and beautiful and detailed botanical paintings of fruit.


Our R.E. topic is 'Why is the Bible so important to Christians?' and our PSHE topic is 'Changing Me'.


In Computing, we will be looking at Making Music and Logo. We will be playing tennis in P.E. and athletics.

End of Year Video

Still image for this video

Beautiful Botanicals artwork

Fern printing

RSPB Wild Challenge

Last year, Y3/4D worked hard to achieve their Bronze award for the Wild Challenge.


This year, Y3/4D have achieved their Silver award. They had to complete 6 challenges. This included 3 activities to Help Nature and 3 to Experience Nature.


They have completed Weather Wizard, Wild Writing, Planting for Wildlife, Food and Water for wildlife, Look Closer and Pond Dipping (Y4 Kingswood Residential).


Next year, Y3/4D will aim for the Gold Award

Women's World Cup and Derbyshire FA - Millie Bright competition

Hook-a-bags ready for the Summer Fayre

Botanical art

Sports day practice

WWF Wear it Wild Day

Using a compass and four-figure grid references on an OS map of the local area

Making music with Purple Mash Busy Beats

Using nets in tennis
