This term our topic is 'A tale of two cities?'
In Geography, we will be looking at the capital cities of London and Paris. We will look at the similarities/differences between their physical and human geography.
In Science, our scientist study will be Marie Curie and we will be learning about movement and growing.
In English, we are reading George and the dragon. We will write our own dragon legend, newspaper recounts and create dragon poems.
In Maths, we will be looking at multiplying TO x O and HTO x O and division.
In Art, we will be sketching and making clay dragon eyes.
Our R.E. topic is 'Why are festivals important to religious communities?' and our PSHE topic is 'Relationships'.
Class caterpillars
Last week, we were given 5 tiny caterpillars to look after in class. We named them and have watched them grow day by day. This week, they have moved onto the lid of the container! Hopefully, it wont be long until we see them turn into butterflies in the butterfly garden.
Week commencing 1st may..... We won the reading owl :) Keep it up seahorse tribe!!