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Term 5

English - In Writing, children will read The Thames and Tide club and write persuasive letters, diary entries and weather reports. Both writing projects will include advertisements, dialogue and letters of advice. In Reading, they will A Necklace of Raindrops. There will be opportunities for children to practice retrieval, summarising, comparing, predicting and sequencing throughout.


White Rose Maths - Fractions and Decimals - This term we will be looking at fractions and decimals. Year 3 will focus unit and non-unit fractions and equivalent fractions. Year 4 will focus on improper fractions and mixed numbers and adding and subtracting fractions.


History - Ancient Civilisations -  The children will learn about three of the earliest civilisations in the world; ancient Sumer, ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley civilisation. They will study the ancient Sumerian and ancient Egyptian civilisation in detail, to discover how crucial factors like water sources and farming helped them to develop and thrive. They will find out about important inventions and the growth of cities. They will also study the lives of different people in society, including the roles of kings and pharaohs. The children will reflect on their learning by identifying the similarities and differences between the two civilisations. 


Science - Grouping and classifying - This project teaches children about grouping living things, known as classification. They study the animal and plant kingdoms and use and create classification keys to identify living things.


Art - Statues, statuettes and figurines - This project is linked to Ancient Civilisations. This project teaches children about the 3-D representation of the human form, including statues, statuettes and figurines. They study examples from ancient civilisations, and use their clay skills to create a Sumer-style figurine.


RE - Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?

RSHE/Jigsaw - Relationships

French - What's the time?

Computing (Purple Mash) - Spreadsheets and Simulations

Music (Charanga) - Expression and improvisations

PE - Hockey
