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Summer term

Home learning - Children can chose a different activity each week. The activities are linked to our 'Britain at war' topic. 

English - In Writing, children will read The Lost Happy Endings and write letters, poetry, a passage of direct speech, a diary entry and an alternative story prequel. In Reading, they will read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Michael Morpurgo. There will be opportunities for children to practice retrieval, summarising, comparing, predicting and sequencing throughout.


Children will then be reading 'Anne Frank'-- A retelling of the iconic story and 'Hitler stole my pink rabbit.' by Judith Kerr. Both of these books link with our 'Britain at war' topic and will give children a deeper understanding of what life was like. We will be writing diary entries from different perspectives and then a chronological report. 



White Rose Maths - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages - This term we will be looking at fractions, decimals and percentages. Year 5 will focus on decimals and percentages. Year 6 will focus on fraction/decimal and percentage equivalents and consolidation of all prior learning, in preparation for SATs.


After SATS we will be looking at statistics, position and direction and then revise our fluency skills to prepare us for Secondary School. 


History - Britain at War -  This project teaches children about the causes, events and consequences of the First and Second World Wars, the influence of new inventions on warfare, how life in Great Britain was affected and the legacy of the wars in the post-war period.


Science - Light Theory - Children will learn about the way that light behaves, travelling in straight lines from a source or reflector, into the eye. They explore how we see light and colours, and phenomena associated with light, including shadows, reflections and refraction.


Art - Statues, statuettes and figurines - This project is linked to our History topic-Britain at War. This project teaches children about the concepts of abstraction and distortion. They study the visual characteristics of abstraction and create a musically-inspired, abstract painting.


Distortion and abstraction- Children will be examining different pieces of abstract art and experimenting with distortion and abstraction through shape, line, colour and form. 


RE - The 6 main religions

RSHE/Jigsaw - Zones of Regulation / Relationships

French - School Life/ Family & Friends

Computing (Purple Mash) - Text adventures / Quizzing

Music (Charanga) - Improvisations with confidence

PE - Gymnastics and movement / Netball

Computing-Planning a text adventure

Britain at War-An introduction to the topic
